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Hydro Tech

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, andexpound the actual teachings of the great consequences.

List of machineries/equipment

Sl No Name of Equipment Country made Quantity Condition Owned/leased/Hired
1. Bull dozer U.S.A 1 Nos Good Hired
2. Pay loader U.S.A 1 Nos Good Do
3. Concrete Mixture Machine Locally 1 Nos Good Owned
4. Vibrator Machine China 2 Nos Good Do
5. Water pump Japan 2 Nos Good Do
6. Generator Machine China 2 Nos Good Do
7. Steel shutter Locally 3600 Nos Good Do
8. Jeep/Pickup Japan 2 Nos Good Do
9. Leveling instrument Japan 2 Nos Good Do
10. Runway marking machine China 1 Nos Good Do
11. Measuring equipment China 1 Set Good Do
12. Electric cutting saw China 2 Nos Good Do

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Sl. Name Position/Qualification Working period Total works experience
17. Md. Atiqur Rahman Painter 1st May 2010 till date 12 (Years)
18. Md. Mokbul hossain Painter 20th June 2010 till date 12 (Years)
19. Md. Nuzrul Islam Machine operator 12th February 2012 till date 8 (Years)
20.  Md. Taraq ahamed Foreman 10th June 2010 till date 10 (Years)
21.  Md. Farid uddin Foreman 10th June 2010 till date 10 (Years)
22.  Md. Faisal Ahamed Foreman 10th June 2010 till date 10 (Years)
23.  Md. Toriqul molla Foreman 10th June 2010 till date 10 (Years)